Make 2023 THE YEAR you get the EXACT PART YOU WANT and stop letting NERVES sabotage your auditions with this 10-week audition bootcamp.

Do you ask yourself:

What Am I Doing Wrong? Why Can't I Get Cast Like I Want?

  • Are you tired of watching OTHER people get cast when you know it should be YOU?
  • Do you know what you’re doing/not doing “right” to get you the part or even a callback?
  • Are you sick of feeling like the opportunity to do what you love on stage in community theatre or your school production is up to chance?
  • Do you soothe your disappointment by telling yourself, “Oh well, I’m just not very good at auditioning….”?
  • Do you hesitate to even go to the audition because you don’t want to face rejection again?
  • Do you want to go into every audition CONFIDENT that you know exactly what to do to get noticed the RIGHT way, knock ‘em dead and stand out from the crowd?

(This is me, ecstatically throwing leaves with gusto at the chance to make your dreams come true this autumn.)

They say when the student is ready, the master will appear...

...and by the fact that you’re reading this, you are READY to up your game, take guesswork and insecurity out of auditioning and ANNIHILATE your competition. 


You have come upon THE secret weapon to help you deliver the audition the director has been WAITING so that YOUR name is next to the part you’ve been dreaming of on the cast list.

So hi :)

I’m Stacy Moscotti.

And I am, and always have been, a theatre person

It's nice to meet you. I always love meeting people in my tribe.

I too, started out as a Theatre Kid.

It started for me at age 3 with dance class and I learned to sing and act along the way in school. 

(That's me when I was 9 in a dance recital)

When I was 12, I went to a 3-hour audition workshop which changed the course of my life. 

From that workshop, I can trace getting my first big role outside of school which lead me to playing leads all through middle school and high school (even though I was not the best singer in the bunch by FAR).

I can trace that one workshop to getting me into the college of my dreams, Duke University, as one of 5 freshmen they accepted into musical theatre. 

From there I got my degree in theatre and once in the professional world, I booked work constantly. 

Once I got my foot in the door, I began getting cast in lead roles as a professional.

I’ve played:

  • Sally Bowles in Cabaret
  • Peter Pan in Peter Pan
  • Cassie in A Chorus Line
  • Mary Magdalene in Jesus Christ Superstar
  • Evita in Evita
  • Polly in Crazy For You
  • Charity in Sweet Charity
  • Velma in Chicago
  • Anna in the King and I
  • ...and that’s just the start.

This culminated with the title role starring in a national tour as Molly Brown in the Unsinkable Molly Brown. 

Besides my musical theatre acting career, I’ve also for the last 25 years been working with teens in summer theatre programs, particularly ages 11-17.

Hundreds and hundreds if not over a thousand teens in dozens of productions. 

I’ve been the auditionee and I’ve been the director. 

I went to college for theatre. 

I made my career in theatre. 

Oh, I've also worked in a theatre casting office in NYC. 

I’ve traveled the entire country on two national tours, starring in one of them, performing in all 48 continental United States. 

Me at 13 years old as Pippi Longstocking directed by Tina Fey (yes, that Tina Fey)...

Me in a publicity still from starring as Molly Brown in the National Tour of the Unsinkable Molly Brown

As Peter Pan in Peter Pan

As Polly during "I've Got Rhythm" in Crazy For You

As Cassie during "Music and the Mirror" in A Chorus Line

As Anna in The King and I (with the King and the Kralahome)

As Charity in Sweet Charity

As Mary Magdalene in Jesus Christ Superstar

As the Sour Kangarooo in Seussical the Musical

As Eva Peron in Evita

On Stage, taking in the vastness of the Kodak Theatre in Los Angeles (where they hold the Oscars) during my second National Tour

One of my favorites from playing Molly Brown in the National Tour of the Unsinkable Molly Brown

I've been blessed to have an incredible career.

and the one thing I attribute it to is that I truly believe I cracked the code of auditioning.

That is what brings me to YOU.

I want YOU to know what I know and I want to get you ready for your next audition.

I definitely realized there were things I did that 95% of the room didn’t do, which gave me an extreme competitive advantage.

And when I became a director, I was STRAIGHT UP SHOCKED at what I saw at auditions. 

People shooting themselves in the foot.

People blowing it before they even began. 

Kids who wouldn’t know why they wouldn’t get a callback and yet I could see it so clearly and I just wanted to help them. 

I turned to my friend and said:

"Wow, I wish I could coach these people in auditioning.

There’s just a few simple tweaks that if they implemented and stopped doing what their nerves are having them do, they would get EXACTLY what they want - a callback with a shot at the role they’d love to play."

So that’s what I did.

I began to coach theatre kids. 

Not only did those that worked with me 1-1 begin to get roles in school, those that went on to college got in to the colleges they wanted. 

They got cast professionally.

So that’s how I got here and why I want to work with you.

So I'm thrilled to announce a brand new coaching offering, designed to cause a quantum leap in your audition ability...


What does this program include?


Our first module covers HOW to prepare. We all know we are supposed to prepare prepare prepare, but SO many prepare THE WRONG WAY.

Learn the RIGHT way and get an instant head start on your competition.



Our second module covers one of the most DIFFICULT parts of any audition - how to pick the RIGHT material (which you now know how to prepare the RIGHT way from Module 1!)

Take the guesswork out of selecting your material to show off your best self!



In our third module, we will cover how to instantly be the best actor in the room with a few simple adjustments that you will learn here!

These apply for acting, singing and dancing!



In Stacy's favorite module, she shares her secret sauce that she previously has ONLY shared with her 1-1 coaching students.

Learn the RIGHT way and get an instant head start on your competition.



In our fifth module, you will discover the art and science to nailing a cold reading and delivering the PERFECT callback to see your name exactly where you want on the cast list next to the role you’re dreaming of!



In the final module, now that you have all the skill, let’s talk sabotage and how to avoid it by addressing and dealing with the #1 cause of sabotage - Nerves.

If you struggle with nerves, this module is a MUST.



Can you imagine?

Imagine walking into your audition with exact tactics and strategies to keep your nerves in check and deliver the audition you know will stand out.

Imagine finishing your song and looking at the faces behind the table and knowing that you BLEW them away.

Imagine how it would feel to rock your callback and KNOW you did your best and then see your name on the cast list exactly where you want it.

Imagine getting a solo final bow at the curtain call and hearing all the applause and it's for YOU and your performance.

Live Kickoff Party with Q&A/AMA

Bootcamp begins with a live group chat/party where Stacy will walk through all the components of the bootcamp and then answer any and every question you have about auditions that is burning in your brain before we kick off!


Live Group Coachings

We will get together twice live over the 10 weeks for a 2-hour live group coaching session. Work on your material 1-1 with Stacy and get live feedback to take you to the next level!

Customized Audition Prep Timeline

When you know your audition date, Stacy will put together a customized, individualized calendar to know EXACTLY when hit each pre-audition target. Take the guesswork out of preparation and know when to get everything ready by!

Two Free Months of Broadway Study Group

You get two free months of Stacy's Membership Site, full of additional trainings, live coachings and community to help you take things to the next level.

Day-Of-Your-Audition Personal Encouragement Message

When the big day comes, get a personal video message from Stacy sent to you to give you that boost of confidence and encouragement right before you go smash the audition!

Audition Audit

After your audition, have a 1-1 live meeting with Stacy to go over and break down your audition and see how to improve in the future.

Song Squad

Need help finding new songs for auditions? This group meets once a week to go over songs and the community aspect makes the work compound and faster and more results are experienced!

Monologue Research Society

Dread finding monologues? You're not alone! You get one free round of the Monologue Research Society included in your bootcamp, to help you leave with a slew of new monologues.

End of Bootcamp Performance Opportunity

Time to show off and shine like the star you are! We will have a final performance in December where you can share your talents with whomever you want!

A word from one of my students and her mom...

Are you ready to audition with confidence and get the callbacks and roles you deserve?

Then join our Fall 2023 Coaching Bootcamp below

Who is This Program Right For?

*Middle School or High School Students planning to audition for their first show ever

*Students who are ready to move up from the ensemble to speaking parts

*Students who want to get the lead in their school musicals

*Singers who are petrified of the dance audition

*Dancers/Gymnasts who want to break into doing their school shows

*Students who want to be on Broadway one day and want to have a career in musical theatre

*Any theatre kids who love to be on stage who want to learn from a professional how to master the auditioning process

Another word from one of my students and her mom...

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